Our Sunday School classes learn from GCP's Show Me Jesus; All of Scripture is the unfolding story of salvation and Jesus is its focus. Show Me Jesus, shows how Jesus, revealed throughout the Bible, came to seek and save the lost.
Loving nursery care is provided for infants through 4 years old during Sunday school and worship.
9:30 - 10:25 (lower level Sanctuary Building)
Birth – age 4: Room 2
Laura Hauser, with Vikki Malgieri & Jean-Marie Vuncannon
K-grade 2: Room 1
Brian & Stephanie Marshall and Stephen & Heidi Dean
Grades 3-5: Room 6
Jeremy & Kristin Pressley
Contact Barbara Cameron with any questions about the age-appropriate level for your child.
Click here for a map if you would like help locating a classroom.
Worship, 10:45
One of the ways we as a church nurture our children is through their participation in corporate worship. Beginning in Kindergarten, children attend the worship service with their families. Children will learn how to worship by being a part of the service and by witnessing others modeling for them what worship is. This can also give our children a sense of identity, something much bigger than themselves that they are a part of a community.