MIDWEEK! Click here for Wednesday Evening program details.

Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 12.45.25 PMArden offers opportunities where men can grow in their knowledge and love of the Word, and help to build Arden as a vibrant, Christ-centered body of Reformed believers. We do this through opportunities of Bible study and prayer and through the active application of our time, talents, and resources in ministry and service to our church, and our local community, and through effective and coordinated efforts with the other Arden ministries. We center our activities on a number of Bible studies, the New Commandment Service Ministry, and other activities that help to bond our men in service. 

Thursday Morning Prayer and Bible Study

  • Date/Time: Thursdays 8:00 to 9:00 a.m., followed by breakfast at a local restaurant
  • Location: Youth Room, near North Entrance
  • Point of Contact: Pastor James Buckner

New Commandment Ministry

  • Date/Time: second Saturday of the month in the morning
  • Location: Sunday School Classroom beneath sanctuary near North Entrance
  • Point of Contact: David Avdich

 Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 8.11.50 AMOur Lord instructs us in the upper room discourse, “a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another just as I have loved you.” His brother James further exhorts us in his letter that “religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit widows and orphans in their affliction.” This is where our ministry derives its name and purpose.

We are a men’s fellowship and service ministry and are patterned after, but not a member of the national organization of the same name. We usually gather on the second Saturday of each month for 2-3 hours in the morning for a brief time of fellowship and devotion and then disperse to our various service projects. We serve the needs of the congregation, particularly widows, the elderly, single parents, and the long and short-term disabled. We limit ourselves to small projects such as light home repairs, yard and house cleaning, and occasional moving. Many of you have benefited from our ministry and have been grateful for it. We have a dedicated core of volunteers but can always use more.

Contact David Avdich with any needs or questions.