At the end of each week, we publish the coming Sunday's bulletin in PDF form to assist in your preparation for worship. Comments can be directed to Anthony.
December 8: Order of Worship
For security purposes, the Prayer Requests are only available through the link in the weekly email. Click here to subscribe to the weekly email. The Announcements and Missions Moment are below. Read more about our Music and Worship ministry HERE.
ANGEL TREE - a way to begin the Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Ministry this year! Almost all of the angels have been “adopted” and food has started arriving as well. Donations for food items are also coming in. What a blessing that will in-turn bless an entire family, help heal relationships, and thank a caregiver for countless hours of love and effort raising children in the absence of the imprisoned parent.
All gifts and food are due December 15. Please note that the other opportunities to help in preparing the gift bags and food organization on December 19 and with delivery on the 21st.
Every year we have special appeals for teams (2 people to a vehicle) to deliver all of these items and acknowledge that it is a very busy time, but the rewards of sharing the gifts and the Gospel to every family is also what Christmas is all about. You are the hands & feet of Jesus in serving others. Please won’t you deliver joy this year ?
If you are new to Arden Pres and/or not familiar with this Christmas sharing opportunity, please view the Angel Tree page on the website for details or pick up an information sheet in the narthex at the Angel Tree center.
Our new member’s/inquirer’s class has been moved from this fall to Saturday, January 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you would like register for the class, please see the link in the weekly email or contact Greg Senter (
Thirdmill – Free Biblical Education for the World
This year Third Millennium added 200,000 new students, raising the number of students they serve to just over two million. Their curriculum is studied in 178 countries and 28 languages in small groups, churches, Bible schools, seminaries and universities. In addition, Christian leaders in North America are taking advantage of Thirdmill Institute and Thirdmill Seminary. Learning centers are meeting the needs of leaders in Spanish- speaking American churches. Chinese - American churches are requiring their leaders to study Thirdmill Mandarin curriculum. May the Lord continue to bless Thirdmill in 2025 as they seek to equip Christian leaders worldwide.