MIDWEEK! Click here for Wednesday Evening program details.


Helping raise youth as disciples of Christ to love and serve the Lord.

APCSM Collage


This Week's Events:

Sunday School:

Sermon on the Mount

Youth Group:

Wednesdays 6-7:30pm in APC Youth Room1st Wednesday of each month

Join us after youth group on the 1st Wednesday of each month for CFA!

High School Bible Study:

High School Bible Study Kick-Off!!

We need volunteers to help provide dinner for the High School Bible Study. Sign-up to help out: 



Upcoming Events:



Stay Informed:

Stay INfromed



APC Student Ministry Facebook Page

APC Student Ministry Instagram Page

APC Student Ministry Weekly Emails

Contact Info:

For more information, contact Elliot Mattix, our Student Ministry Leader

e: elliot@ardenpres.org

p: (828) 263-7374 (personal)

p: (828) 684-7221 ext.311 (office)

Summer Student Ministry Internship

For a job description, please click here.
Please click here for an application for the Summer Student Ministry Internship.
The deadline is March 31, 2025.