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Arden Presbyterian Church is committed to reaching out in Christian love and charity to our members and our local community. Our Service and Mercy Ministries function as an extension of the diaconate and follow the Book of Church Order, Paragraph 9.7: "It is often expedient that the Session of a church should select and appoint godly men and women of the congregation to assist the deacons in caring for the sick, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners, and others who may be in distress or need.

Arden uses four specific ministries to accomplish these objectives:

MERCY MINISTRY: Funds donated by members are administered by the deacons for work inside and outside the church. A detailed explanation of this ministry is in the Mercy Ministry link to this page.

HANDS OF FAITH is a group of members, many of whom are cancer survivors, who seek to extend Christ’s love and mercy to those suffering from serious diseases to assist them in their journey of health challenges. We commit to pray earnestly for their physical and spiritual needs, as well as those of their families, reaching out to assist where possible because we know these burdens are not borne alone. A detailed description of this ministry is in the Hands of Faith link.

VISITATION MINISTRY: Members of this ministry regularly visit and check-up on shut-in members of our church with limited mobility who may not be able to regularly attend worship services and church functions. The ministry is loosely organized with visiting members volunteering and arranging visits on their own time schedules. Points of Contact are Vikki Malgieri ( and Deb Davis (

NEW COMMANDMENT MEN'S MINISTRY: New commandment coordinates with the Visitation Ministry to identify single mothers, widows, widowers, and seniors who still maintain their own homes, who need help with basic home maintenance. Our focus is on Christian fellowship while helping with basic needs. A detailed explanation of New Commandment can be found under the Men's Ministry Link.



Serving One Another In The Name Of Christ. ABCCM is a local nonprofit in Asheville, NC. We are committed to serving those who are in need in Buncombe County. We offer a variety of services through our Crisis Ministry which has four locations throughout the county, Homeless Ministry which offers transitional housing for men and women, Medical Ministry (medical, dental, and pharmacy needs), Jail Ministry, and Donations Ministry.

Learn more about volunteer opportunities with ABCCM.