CLICK HERE to give a financial donation to Helene Disaster Relief.

We can no longer take supplies and physical donations.

Click on the link below to give online to Arden Presbyterian Church. Please indicate the designation for your gift (e.g. General, Building, Missions Faith Promise, Mercy, etc.).

Donation processing is performed through Authorize.Net®. authorizeNetlogo
You will receive an email receipt confirming your donation. Arden Presbyterian Church does not collect credit card data.  Thank you for your interest in giving to the work of the Lord through our church!

Donation Questions and Assistance

Please contact our Church Business Administrator (828-684-7221 x313) if you have any questions concerning online donations. If you need assistance using our online donations website, you may also email our Business Administrator

Cards Accepted

We accept debit cards and all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express).


Refund Policy

Please contact our Church Business Administrator (828-684-7221 x313) if a refund is needed. Once your donation clears, we will issue you a refund via a check.